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Tascam 38 TSR-8 tension arm cap

Tascam 38 TSR-8 tension arm cap

Regular price £40.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £40.00 GBP
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This is  the cap that's used on the Tascam tension arms, this now is a very very rare part and everyone is after them as they always get lost, I bought a machine just to get some bits for me and these were spare.

These are rare now and TASCAM no longer offer them as a spare.


Many times people buy the wrong part then return it to me, this is the part you need on the moving tension arms on the far left and right of the machine.



The caps have a different longer thread  to them the TSR8 cap is a straighter side but fits the 38 and vice versa e 38 cap has a bevel the TSR8 is straight a photo is included so you can see the difference. I have now listed the caps by model although they both fit so this is for the bevelled 38

the 32-34 etc 22-2 X series caps look correct from the front but they will not fit

please look at extra photos

there are two photos from behind shown you are getting the cap on the right but with a bevel its for the 38


In other words ( as i was not very clear here), the front can look straight or angled but the back differs

it seems only on the 38 and TSR 8, you need teflon washers here on these





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